This issue presents two dossiers. The first, entitled "Quality of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean", incorporates articles that address different aspects from which to approach, in a broad and contextualized manner, the ever-present issue of the quality of higher education in the region. The dossier is made up of 14 articles that address the problems of curriculum innovation, teaching quality and evaluation within the framework of policies, among other indispensable aspects of this important area of research and reflection. The following dossier is entitled "Achieving a mutually inclusive internationalization of higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean". The focus of the issue is that the political, global and regional landscape has been changing in directions that both inspire hope for a better future, but continue to raise concerns about the prospects for equity. In this context, the processes of internationalization related to mobility, partnerships, teaching and learning continue to be reviewed, thus recovering this problematic, the dossier has called for papers that take up the call for internationalization of higher education that is mutually inclusive, 7 articles from 5 countries in the region address these issues. Finally, the General Section, which presents 14 articles that reflect the richness of the plurality of views and voices from Latin America and the Caribbean and, although to a lesser extent, from other regions of the world with which scholars tend to interact and work, thus achieving very complete research results. 

Published: 2022-08-16



Presentation Thematic Dossier A: Quality of Higher Education in Latin America an

Articles Thematic Dossier A

Introduction Dossier B: Achieving mutually inclusive internationalization of HE

General Section

General section articles