The premise that universities and higher education institutions, in general, have become fundamental allies for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) has been sufficiently argued, as well as the idea that it postulates that their contribution is relevant in regarding alliances in training issues, their implementation in research and development, in areas of international cooperation and in entrepreneurship with high social content. However, the systematization of efforts, initiatives and activities that, specifically, from teaching practice, research and social linkage or university extension, are being developed to promote sustainability in HEIs, or in particular to incorporate the SDGs in a transversal way in university policies and integrating them into the different areas of action of academic life, has been scarcely referenced, which is why this issue of ESS seeks to contribute to the debate on how HEIs in Latin America and the Caribbean the exercise of their academic functions, contribute to the achievement of the SDGs from a sustainability approach and in a logic of configuration and adaptation to social, economic, cultural and environmental, scientific and technological transformations in their responsibility to offer support to people and communities to have a critical sense of global trends and challenges facing today's world.

Published: 2020-12-16

Articles Thematic Dossier