Science, philosophy and technology of the Mayan Peoples: A paradigm of education that promotes human fulfillment, harmony with nature and the cosmos

  • Vitalino Similox Salazar Universidad Maya Kaqchikel, Guatemala
  • José Antonio Otzoy Universidad Maya Kaqchikel, Guatemala
Keywords: Epistemology; Mayan Peoples; Cosmovision; Culture; Full Life; Territory; Nature; Mayan Education


This paper describes the epistemological proposal and path of Mayan peoples, inspired by their scientific, philosophical and technological paradigm; as an expression of their constellation of beliefs, principles, values and techniques; whose essential focus is the protection and promotion of natural life, the link with territorial life, local community, and nature, which supports their cultural identity practices, as an exercise of epistemic pluralism and a proposal to make human fulfillment possible, as an alternative to the globalizing and homogenizing models of higher education, responsible for the destruction of the planet.

Author Biography

Vitalino Similox Salazar, Universidad Maya Kaqchikel, Guatemala

Maya Kaqchikel. Sociologist and researcher of Maya Science, Philosophy and Technology. Rector of the Kaqchikel Mayan University.

How to Cite
Similox Salazar, V., & Otzoy, J. A. (2022). Science, philosophy and technology of the Mayan Peoples: A paradigm of education that promotes human fulfillment, harmony with nature and the cosmos. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 34(2), 259-302.