Impact of bureaucracy on academic freedom and research development in technological higher education in Mexico

Keywords: bureaucracy, academic freedom, research, institutional policies, Tecnológico Nacional de México


This study examines how the bureaucratic regulations and policies of the Tecnológico Nacional de México (TecNM) limit academic freedom and the development of research. Through a qualitative methodology with a phenomenological approach, the perceptions of academics belonging to the National System of Researchers (SNI) were captured to explore how administrative procedures, regulatory rigidity and evaluation systems affect the academic autonomy and creativity of researchers. The results show that academics perceive an excessive bureaucratic burden that consumes time and reduces research productivity. In addition, evaluation systems focused on the quantity of publications generate pressure that compromises the quality of research. Lack of flexibility in resource management and barriers to establishing inter-institutional collaborations are other key factors that limit the innovative potential of researchers. The study concludes with recommendations to simplify administrative procedures, make research policies more flexible and foster an environment that promotes creativity and innovation in the TecNM.

Author Biographies

Arturo Benitez, Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM)

D. in Education from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Member of the Mexican Association for the Study of Higher Education (AMEES). Postdoctoral fellow at the Interdisciplinary Research Center for University Development (CIIDU-UAEM).

Elisa Lugo Villaseñor, Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM)

D. in Education from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. With SNII recognition and PRODEP profile. Member of the Mexican Council for Educational Research (COMIE), Mexican Association for the Study of Higher Education (AMEES) and the Spanish Pedagogical Society (SEP). Professor in the programs of the Bachelor's Degree in Education Sciences ICE/UAEM, Master's Degree in Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education CIIDU/UAEM and Doctorate in Education of ICE/UAEM. Member of the Consolidated Academic Body for indefinite time Organizations and Processes of Training and Education.

Viridiana Aydee Leon Hernandez, Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM)

D. in Education from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. With SNII recognition and PRODEP profile. Professor in undergraduate and graduate programs in the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Engineering. Member of the academic cores of the Master and PhD in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Technologies of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Engineering (FCQeI-UAEM) and the Master in Interdisciplinary Research in Higher Education of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for University Development (CIIDU-UAEM).

How to Cite
Benitez Sandoval, A., Lugo Villaseñor, E., & Leon Hernandez, V. A. (2024). Impact of bureaucracy on academic freedom and research development in technological higher education in Mexico. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 36(2), 67-84.
Articles Thematic Dossier