The place of the arts in the academy: approaches from a teaching experience in Higher Education

Keywords: higher education; academic management; Arts; scientific investigation; pedagogy


The aim of this article is to reflect on the demand for new organizational demands of Higher Education in light of the prevailing political-social challenges. Specifically, we are interested in proposing some epistemological considerations about the arts, their investigative drifts and their forms of teaching. As a concrete proposal, we recover our teaching experience within the framework of a degree seminar given at the Patagonian Institute of the Arts -IUPA- in 2023. The chosen methodology consists of bibliographic analysis on the subject based on theoretically based studies. on Higher Education and the field of Science, Technology and Society, tangentially. Likewise, artistic productions and debates that resulted from the pedagogical-didactic proposal will be taken as examples, using as a theoretical basis the field of studies on critical pedagogies and its connection with the arts and teacher training, in particular. The results found imply a reformulation of the hegemonic parameters of the place of the production of artistic knowledge in the current academic-scientific map as well as its forms of teaching in Higher Education spaces; all of this, within the framework of the proposal of a construction of knowledge that transforms reality in the Institutions we inhabit. From the teaching experience, one can arrive at the discussion that it is necessary to rethink the management of Higher Education from artistic knowledge as an emancipatory way of producing knowledge and from the adoption of critical Latin American pedagogies that allow decolonizing the knowledge that circulate there.

Author Biographies

Mariana Trembinsky, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Doctoral candidate in Educational Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. Line of work: reconstruction of a recent history of Higher Teacher Training Institutes through dissident identities and the production of alternative knowledge in the years of consolidation of neoliberalism (1989-1995) in the City of Buenos Aires. She has a degree in Education Sciences and a Diploma in Comprehensive Sexual Education from the University of Buenos Aires. Teacher and member of the working team of the Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación de la FFyL, UBA. Member of UBACyT, PIP and PDE Research Projects.

Mariángela Napoli, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Doctoral candidate in Educational Sciences (thesis submitted- Universidad de Buenos Aires-Facultad de Filosofía y Letras). Line of work: forms of production, mobilization and intervention of knowledge in Humanities. Professor and Bachelor of Arts (Universidad de Buenos Aires-Facultad de Filosofía y Letras). Teacher and member of the working team of the Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación de la FFyL, UBA. Member of UBACyT, PIP, PDE and CLACSO Research Projects.


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How to Cite
Trembinsky, M., & Napoli, M. (2024). The place of the arts in the academy: approaches from a teaching experience in Higher Education. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 36(2), 525-546.
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