Evaluation of teaching performance for the promotion of educational quality at a university in Costa Rica

Keywords: education quality; higher education; educational management; teacher competencies; student participation.


This article systematizes the project “Evaluation of teaching performance”, whose general objective was to evaluate the teaching performance of the teaching staff of the LCI-VERITAS University according to the student perception during the second quarter of 2023 based on the participatory construction of a new instrument of evaluation based on the professional competencies model, this study is justified in terms of educational management, quality criteria and updating in relation to the structural changes of the University.

The method used was a mixed approach with a multilevel concurrent nested design, focus group, observation, interview and survey techniques were used, the variables being: performance in class and administrative management, the selection of participants was at convenience for qualitative techniques and the sample Quantitative was randomized by courses reaching a representative sample (n=550).

Among the results, it stands out that there is a high acceptance of the new instrument by the university community, student participation was low and the average teaching performance of the university was 81. It is concluded that the teaching performance is good, but it should be improve methodology and communication indicators; therefore, it is recommended to train teachers on these topics.

Author Biographies

Raquel Bulgarelli, LCI Veritas University, San José, Costa Rica

She holds a Master's degree in Psycho-pedagogy from the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), a Bachelor's degree in Guidance from the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA) (both degrees Magna cum laude) and is a specialist in Andragogy (UNA), researcher with different publications on educational and vocational issues, she worked as a counselor in different private schools and in programs and projects of the UNA on issues of academic permanence, teacher training and promotion of student welfare with vulnerable populations, she continues as an academic of this institution and is an educational counselor of the Universidad LCI VERITAS.

Eric Rodríguez, LCI Veritas University, San José, Costa Rica

Máster en Tecnología Educativa con énfasis en medios innovadores del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Su formación inicial es en Diseño Gráfico, graduado de la Licenciatura en Diseño Publicitario de la Universidad VERITAS, Costa Rica. Cuenta con más de 25 años de experiencia en educación superior, transitando entre la docencia, la investigación y la gestión curricular. Actualmente, se desempeña como Vicerrector Académico de la Universidad LCI VERITAS. Ha sido docente y tutor de proyectos de investigación, así como formador de docentes en distintas áreas sobre didáctica, pedagogía, evaluación e innovación educativa.

Alexander Venegas, LCI Veritas University, San José, Costa Rica

Experto educativo en investigación, currículo, e-Learning y docencia, con más de 20 años de experiencia en educación. Actualmente, se desempeña como Gestor de Calidad y Currículo en Universidad LCI VERITAS y es consultor independiente. Doctorando en Educación con énfasis en currículo, investigación y tecnología educativa en Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana, Certified Professional Curriculum Developer por Universidad Autónoma de Chile y certificándose como Chief Processes & Improvement Officer. Especialista en Mejora Continua de Procesos y Tecnología Educativa. Master en administración educativa y docencia; formación profesional docente en Ciencias Naturales y Química.

How to Cite
Bulgarelli Bolaños, R. M., Rodríguez Acuña, E., & Venegas Vargas, A. (2024). Evaluation of teaching performance for the promotion of educational quality at a university in Costa Rica. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 36(1), 117-140. https://doi.org/10.54674/ess.v36i1.894