Citizen competencies and quality education for 2050 at the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Citizen competencies influence the long-term quality of higher education service at the headquarters of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí in the Manta canton, Ecuador. The objective of the research was to contrast the training processes in citizen competencies that will influence the achievement of quality education for 2050. The quantitative approach and descriptive research were used, together with the bibliographic review and statistical analysis. The inductive method was used with the application of the survey technique and through a virtual form in students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Law and Well-being. The results show that there are greater difficulties in the areas of coexistence and peaceful relations and plurality, identity and valuation of differences. A proposal for training in citizen competencies for quality education by 2050 was outlined based on the axes of adaptability, microcredentials, self-learning, community linkage and teacher training. Finally, it was concluded that the main institutional challenge will be to promote tolerance in the university community and guarantee an inclusive and equitable quality education.
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