A critical review of the admission model by academic strata at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Keywords: Academic strata; public goods; admission process; management indicators


In the last decade, the process of admission to undergraduate programs at the National University of Colombia, a public higher education institution, has changed significantly motivated by the need to optimize the use of available quotas considered as public scarce goods. Based on a statistical analysis of some indicators of the admission process to the undergraduate curricular programs of the Faculty of Sciences, Campus Bogotá, there is little or no optimization in the use of quotas, in contrast to the justification for introducing the academic strata model in the admission process. The most significant effect of this model is the academic homogenization due to high scores of the applicants admitted; and also that it is against social policies that would allow the admission of applicants from lower social strata.

Author Biographies

Evelyn Johana Cuevas Ortegón, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL), Bogota, Colombia.

Degree in Physics from Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Master in Natural Sciences Teaching, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Teacher of elementary, high school and middle school in Bogotá for more than 16 years. Areas of research interest: i) learning assessment, ii) science didactics and iii) neuropsychopedagogy.

Rafael Ramón Rey- González, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL), Bogotá, Colombia.

Teacher-bachelor, physicist, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, PhD in Sciences, Únicamp Brazil. Teacher of elementary, high school and middle school in Bogota for 18 years. Research professor at Universidad Nacional since 1998 interested in i) electronic and optical properties of natural and synthetic nanomaterials, and ii) educational processes in high school and university education, with more than 50 scientific articles or reports, and more than 40 students directed (undergraduate, masters or doctorate).

How to Cite
Cuevas Ortegón, E. J., & Rey- González, R. R. (2022). A critical review of the admission model by academic strata at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia . Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 34(2), 52-75. https://doi.org/10.54674/ess.v34i2.637