Emergency route to fight Covid-19 from the university extension: constructs and effects

Keywords: University Participation; Confrontation with Covid-19; University Extension; Emergency Route.


In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Covid-19 as a pandemic, which led States and governments of all nations to adopt measures to confront and contain this disease. From this declaration, extension in universities acquired new connotations and complexities depending on the pandemic phases. This work presents the theoretical and methodological constructs of the extension emergency route of the Universidad Oriente to fight the pandemic, as well as the enhancing factors and their main results. The research is based on mixed methodology, from a dialectical-materialist approach; with the use of different methods such as analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction; as well as the hermeneutic-dialectic; consultation with specialists, documentary analysis and as a methodological procedure, the triangulation of sources and method. The main results are the definition of the lines of action during the pandemic phases, the effective linkage with the social fabric and the use of the diversity of sources of information and communication present in those scenarios, and the development of action protocols for each multi-level inter- and intra-university management.

Author Biographies

Niurka Tellez Rodríguez, Universidad de Oriente (UO), Cuba

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas que en la actualidad se desempeña como asesora de Proyectos sociocomunitarios en el Departamento de Extensión Universitaria de la Universidad de Oriente; posee varias publicaciones científicas y libros relacionados con la gestión extensionista y su impacto en la formación inicial del estudiante universitario.

Víctor Hugo Leyva Sojo, Universidad de Oriente (UO), Cuba

MsC. Director de Extensión Universitaria en la Universidad de Oriente, Cuba. Ha participado en varios eventos de carácter nacional e internacional con ponencias que abordan la multiculturalidad en la gestión extensionistas. Actualmente forma parte del Grupo de Trabajo que investiga el impacto de la pandemia en el proceso extensionista.

Amanda Estruch Tellez, Universidad de Oriente (UO), Cuba

Estudiante en formación inicial de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, de la Universidad de Oriente (UO). Ha incursionado en la evaluación del impacto del componente extensionista en la brigada estudiantil. 

How to Cite
Tellez Rodríguez, N., Leyva Sojo, V. H., & Estruch Tellez, A. (2021). Emergency route to fight Covid-19 from the university extension: constructs and effects. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 33(2), 236-268. https://doi.org/10.54674/ess.v33i2.430