Pandemic and universities: difficulties and responses in the Greater Buenos Aires

Keywords: Pandemic; Universities; Greater Buenos Aires


The article analyzes the consequences of the implementation of policies, in universities in the Greater Buenos Aires, created to alleviate the Covid-19 pandemic effects and the iniquities of one of the sectors with the highest poverty rate in Argentina. The study is based on the hypothesis that these universities have a very important performance in leveling the social inequalities in the area where they are located.The mentioned performance was deepened during the pandemic, through their pedagogical adaptations and interaction with the community. University authorities of the universities studied were interviewed. In addition, government documents and national and international organizations related to the subject were analyzed. Likewise, the latest bibliography on the phenomenon of the pandemic and its relationship with higher education were considered for the analysis. As a result new pedagogical practices and administrative reorganization based on virtuality were discovered. In addition, new activities of the universities were revealed, such as the reconversion of these study houses into creators of social goods through the Offices of Welfare producers of scientific and technological developments based on today 's epidemiological needs. However, the danger of not achieving the necessary connectivity for a hybrid educational future is perceived.

Author Biographies

María Fernanda Arias Núñez, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSM), Argentina

Licenciada en Ciencias Políticas (Universidad Católica Argentina-UCA). Master in Political Science (University of Connecticut) y Doctora en Ciencias Políticas (UCA). Investigadora en temas de Liderazgo Político y Políticas de Educación Superior. Profesora de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSM), Argentina.

Ana María Cambours de Donini, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSM), Argentina

Doctora en Educación (University of the Pacific, California, EE.UU.), Magister en Educación (California State University, EE.UU.) y Profesora de Filosofía (UBA).  Profesora Emérita de la Escuela de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM). Enseña en la Maestría en Educación, Lenguajes y Medios, y es investigadora del Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Educación, Cultura y Sociedad (CEIECS) de la misma universidad. 

Correo electrónico:

Karina Fabiana Lastra, Escuela de Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina

Profesora en Ciencias de la Educación (FAHCE -UNLP). Doctoranda en Políticas y Gestión de la Educación Superior (UNTREF). Profesora Adjunta Regular de la Cátedra Pedagogía I en la Escuela de Humanidades de UNSAM. Investigadora en temas de Universidad y Políticas de Educación Superior, en el CEIECS en la misma universidad.  Posee numerosas publicaciones sobre el tema producto de las investigaciones en las que participo.

How to Cite
Arias Núñez, M. F., Cambours de Donini, A. M., & Lastra, K. F. (2021). Pandemic and universities: difficulties and responses in the Greater Buenos Aires . Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 33(2), 156-179.