University students with disabilities: realities and challenges for the Latin American and Caribbean Inter-university Network for Disability and Human Rights in the context of pandemic

Keywords: Higher Education; Disability; Accessibility; Pandemic.


The aim of this article is to discuss disability and higher education in Latin American countries in the context of pandemic. The presented information has been provided by the referents of each country belonging to the Latin American and Caribbean Inter-university Network for Disability and Human Rights. The objective is to describe the reality of each country in the sanitary context and the measures of governments and universities to guarantee the academic accessibility and educational quality for students with disabilities. Represented countries are Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. The scope, barriers and pending challenges to guarantee access to quality higher education with equity and social justice are analyzed and discussed.

Author Biographies

Arlett Verona krause Arriagada, Universidad de la Frontera (UFRO), Chile
Académica Departamento de Psicología Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. Asesora académica Programa inclusivo de acceso y acompañamiento para estudiantes con discapacidad (PIAA ).
Georgina Inés García Rodríguez, Universidad de La Serena (USERENA), Chile
Académica Departamento de Educación Universidad de La Serena, Chile. Coordinadora de la Red de Universidades estatales chilenas por la inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidad.
Sandra Lea Katz, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNL), Argentina
Académica Universidad de La Plata, Argentina. Coordinadora de la Red Interuniversitaria Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Discapacidad y Derechos Humanos.
Susana Amanda Rodríguez Morales, Universidad de Los Lagos (ULAGOS), Chile
Académica Departamento de Educación Universidad de Los Lagos Osorno, Chile. Coordinadora Institucional de Inclusión de Estudiantes con Discapacidad. Educadora Diferencial. Magíster en Gestión Educacional.
How to Cite
krause Arriagada, A. V., García Rodríguez, G. I., Katz, S. L., & Rodríguez Morales, S. A. (2021). University students with disabilities: realities and challenges for the Latin American and Caribbean Inter-university Network for Disability and Human Rights in the context of pandemic. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 33(2), 496-524.