Remote teaching and continuous in-service training in graduate programs

Keywords: Remote teaching; COVID-19; Continuing training for graduate professors.


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we thought and acted in the field of teaching at all levels. Since 2018, we have followed up continuous in-service training for graduate teachers in action. This training aims to enable teachers to design hybrid and multimodal courses that take into account the presence of digital technologies. In this article, we follow the trajectory of Marina, an engineer who is part of this training group. Our objective is to discuss the learning that the participant reveals to have built since the beginning of her participation in the training and to reflect on the need for the design of continuous training courses that propose possibilities of appropriation of digital technologies also addressed to teachers. The isolation to which we were subjected due to the pandemic reveals the need for the existence and creation of spaces for learning and collaboration in the teacher's workplace, like the communities of practice, that allow the exchange of learning between peers from the experience and appropriation of digital technologies in and for the workplace. It is in these spaces that they resignify themselves and develop abilities.

Author Biographies

Fabrício Dias de Andrade, Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos (UNISINOS), Brasil

Doutorando do Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística Aplicada/UNISINOS. Integra os grupos FORMLI (Formação de Professores, Multiletramentos e Identidades) e GPe-dU (Grupo Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Digital). Pesquisa a formação de professores e pesquisadores na cultura híbrida e multimodal.  

Dorotea Frank Kersch , Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos (UNISINOS), Brasil

Pesquisadora do Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada da UNISINOS. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Formação de Professores, Multiletramentos e Identidades (FORMLI). Sua pesquisa foca-se em ensino de línguas, (multi)letramentos, letramento (midiático) crítico, formação de professores, identidades e atitudes linguísticas.

How to Cite
Dias de Andrade, F., & Frank Kersch , D. (2021). Remote teaching and continuous in-service training in graduate programs. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 33(2), 377-401.