Technological mediations in university educational practices: The production and circulation of knowledge

Keywords: Education, Mediation technology, Information technology and communication


The research aims to understand how discourses are constructed as practices of production and circulation of knowledge in the uses of information and communication technologies by teachers and students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar Cúcuta Extension. At the methodological level, it assumes an ethnographic perspective. The records for the analysis of the information were taken from participant observation, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Triangulation was a constant exercise, which took place in the crossing of the voices of the different actors, in the dialogue between the multiple records (audio-visual, documentary and digital) exploring the different environments, forms and nuances in order to re-construct a new framework that would give way to an interpretation, among many others, of the process of assimilating, incorporating and using information technologies in the university educational context, recognizing that, in the complex and restricted mercantile dynamics of technological development, this end of the continent has been given a less preferential place, plagued by economic deficiencies, gaps and contradictions. Thus, the proposal was to understand technological mediations in their psychological, pedagogical and sociological dimensions, in a local context that dialogues with the global.

How to Cite
Araque-Castellanos, F. R. (2012). Technological mediations in university educational practices: The production and circulation of knowledge. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 16(2).