Knowledge and contributions of HEIs to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs in Honduras
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global aspiration for justice, equity, and prosperity, that HEIs must join in with their fundamental transformative role. This study aims to identify the contributions of HEIs to the SDGs. A tool adapted from two recognized international surveys was applied, with 46 questions related to dimensions: Governance and participation, Teaching and training, Research and Technology, Social outreach, and Management and planning. Fifteen out of 21 Honduran HEIs participated, and the results indicate that most of them know of sustainable development and are headed by leadership and academic personnel levels, but do not have specific units for its implementation due to budget limitations. Among the most outstanding actions related to the SDGs in the analyzed dimensions are short courses, diplomas, and professional programs; research lines; partnerships with local communities; use of the campus for physical activity; and development of green areas and landscaping. The Teaching and Training dimension is more closely linked to the SDGs; SDG13: Climate Action receives the most comprehensive effort, while SDG14: Life below water is the least attended. HEIs undertake actions to integrate the SDGs into their academic agenda, but better articulation with different national and international actors is required, moreover, they must systematize strategies and policies of sustainable development to impact society. This is an initial diagnosis without previous references and can be considered a reflection document to generate changes in the management of HEIs.
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