Effects of university bureaucracy on the development of educational research.

Study in state public universities

Keywords: Bureaucracy; state university; higher education; research; education


State public universities have attributes such as autonomy, which gives them the power to generate their government and establish organizational structures for their operation. In this context, the university bureaucracy plays a crucial role in the operation of functions, but it can also be the cause of effects that hinder the development of educational research. The objective of this article is to analyze the effects of university bureaucracy on the development of educational research in state public universities. The methodology adapted to the study is qualitative in nature, because it is of interest to understand the interactions and meanings of the effects of university bureaucracy on the educational research process. To do this, the subjects were selected through the method of convenience and that they were researchers professors with membership of the National System of Researchers, assigned to a state public university. They were given a semi-structured interview, and the information obtained was processed through ATLAS.ti 9. The results identified three main effects of university bureaucracy on the educational research process: processes of quantification and evaluation of research; productivism and the ability to record completed work; management and ways of generating research. The main findings show that research professors are seeking to deal with university bureaucracy, as its effects risk generating research relevant to the country’s national problems, By encouraging the ability to register finished products and the saturation of administrative functions. 

Author Biography

Ana Laura Vargas-Merino, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (UAEH)

She has a degree in Psychology from the School of Psychology of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. In addition, she has a Master's Degree in Educational Sciences and a Doctorate in Educational Sciences from the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. She belongs to the Consolidated Academic Body of Evaluation, Planning and Curriculum Development. His research is related to the lines of Educational Policy, Management and Institutional Development and Educational Diagnosis, Evaluation and Planning. He is a Full-Time Professor of the Academic Area in Educational Sciences of the UAEH.


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How to Cite
Vargas Merino, A. L. (2024). Effects of university bureaucracy on the development of educational research. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 36(2), 85-109. https://doi.org/10.54674/ess.v36i2.967
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