Presence of Female Leadership in Public Universities in Sinaloa

Keywords: Female leadership; empowerment; higher education; gender stereotypes


The article addresses the presence of female leadership in the academic field, focusing on public universities in Sinaloa, Mexico. It emphasizes the importance of evaluating the progress of women in positions of power, advocating for the implementation of university policies aligned with national and international standards to promote gender equity. Its objective is to analyze the positioning of women in high-level leadership positions within these institutions, establishing an empirical basis that reveals presence and numerical proportion from a gender perspective. The data were collected from the review of institutional organizational charts and information available on the National Transparency Platform corresponding to the 2023 fiscal year. The results of the analysis show that, on average, 36.5% of high-level positions in the studied universities are held by women, which is also evidenced in an uneven distribution of enrollment. Despite the progress made, gender gaps and inequalities persist, highlighting the need for attention and action to foster significant change towards equality and diversity in the academic field.

Author Biographies

Samantha Yadira Niebla Moreno, Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico.

Engineer in Electronics, Master in Education and PhD in Competency-Based Education. She is a member of the Sinaloense System of Researchers and Technologists and has been teaching at UAS since 2005, teaching courses in various areas, including inclusion, gender and leadership in different institutions. She has published scientific articles and book chapters focused on education, gender, educational management, science and technology and scientific vocations. She participates in the direction of graduate theses and collaborates in national and international research networks on science, education, technology and gender.

Teresita del N. Jesus Carrillo Montoya, Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico.

Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, Master's Degree and Doctorate in Education from the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Professor at the School of Social Work, UAS. Postdoctoral stay in the postgraduate program of Global Development Studies (UABC). Member of the SNII level 2 and the Science, Technology and Gender Network since 2015. Leader of the CA: “Social policy, gender and education”. Member of the NAB in the graduate programs of Education and Social Work. Thesis director and synodal in these postgraduate programs. Author of articles, book chapters and books in the following lines of research: Education and labor market, social policy, social inequality and gender.

Maria Luisa Urrea Zazueta, Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico.

D. in Education, research professor at the Culiacan School of Social Work of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa. Member of the SNII (Level 1), of the Sinaloa System of Researchers and Technologists and member of the Science, Technology and Gender Network. Her lines of research are oriented to researcher training, higher education, science and gender. She has several articles, book chapters and books according to the research lines of Science, Higher Education and Gender. She has directed undergraduate, masters and doctoral theses in Social Work and Education at UAS, Catholic University of Culiacan, UPES and UAdeO.

Leonor Tereso Ramirez, Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico.

B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in Social Work with emphasis in Gender Studies (UAS). Post-doctorate in Social Studies (UIEM). Research Professor at UAS, PRODEP profile 2023-2026, SNI Level 1, and member of academic bodies and networks such as ACANITS and RETSM. She participates in GIPJAN and the Academic Staff of Graduate Studies in Social Work and Law. Workshop with indigenous migrant women and lecturer in institutions such as CIEG-UNAM and COLSON. Honorary researcher (SIIT) and columnist in Pie de Página. Her work focuses on gender, migration and social policies.

Jorge Alberto Castro Quiñonez, San Miguel University, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico.

Bachelor in Administration and Finance (Universidad de Occidente), Master in Human Resource Management (UAS) and Doctor in Educational Management (CIIEN). Supervisor and Trainer of the Archives Network at ISSSTE, improving administrative processes and information management. Director of Ascapacitación, focused on selection and development of human talent. Teacher at higher and postgraduate level in institutions such as Universidad Mexico Internacional, Universidad Católica de Culiacán and Universidad de San Miguel, contributing to the training of professionals in various areas.

How to Cite
Niebla Moreno, S. Y., Carrillo Montoya, T., Urrea Zazueta, M. L., Tereso Ramirez, L., & Castro Quiñonez, J. A. (2024). Presence of Female Leadership in Public Universities in Sinaloa. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 36(2), 272-294.
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