Beyond stereotypes: Women’s participation in Tech and STEM careers

Keywords: Educational Management; Labour market; Stereotype; Training of engineers; Women and development


This paper is a critical essay that takes as its central axis the evolution of the female educational level where there is a significant increase in the presence of women in education, however, when it is broken down by careers or an analysis is made by area of knowledge, certain gender gaps in access to the different careers are observed. Different analysis data were considered for its realization, but it was taken as a case study the Center for Industrial and Technical Education (CETI), as it is a public educational institution that only offers technological or engineering careers. The central argument identifies the problem of a low participation or presence of women in technological or STEM engineering careers, although the data indicate that there is currently a significant increase in women's schooling, which represents a little more than 50% for higher education, when these percentages are disaggregated by race, the percentage of representation in these races does not reach 5%. The methodology used involves a qualitative and statistical descriptive study with a narrative-interpretative approach.  Finally, it is concluded that, although there are different proposals to increase the percentages of women in STEM careers, one of the most relevant challenges to reduce these gender gaps is mainly found in the labor market.

Author Biographies

Edith Rivas Sepulveda, University of Guadalajara (UdeG), Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

PhD in Higher Education Management, Master's Degree in Higher Education Management and Policies, and Electronics and Computing Engineer. Professor at the University of Guadalajara attached to the Guadalajara University Center (CUGDL). Member of the National System of Researchers and the Jalisco Academy of Sciences. She completed an academic stay at the Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on Higher Education at the University of Montreal, Canada. Her lines of research are: Higher Education and Employment, Actors and Policies of Higher Education, Life Paths: Work and Academic, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Patricia Alejandra Lamas Huerta, Industrial Technical Education Center, Guadalajara, Mexico

PhD in Higher Education Management from the University of Guadalajara. Full-time professor in the Basic Sciences Engineering Division of the Centro de Enseñanza Técnica Industrial (CETI) Campus Colomos since 2014. Researcher and head of the Entrepreneurship Program at CETI Campus Colomos. Her main lines of research are in Policies, Management and processes for promoting entrepreneurship in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and in Organizational structures and behaviors of HEIs that promote entrepreneurship. She has collaborated with research centers at public and private universities.

How to Cite
Rivas Sepulveda, E., & Lamas Huerta, P. A. (2024). Beyond stereotypes: Women’s participation in Tech and STEM careers. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 36(2), 247-271.
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