Misconceptions about (the end of) internationalization, challenges and opportunities for the future

  • De Wit, Hans Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, USA


 Internationalisation is a key driver in mo­dern higher education. From a rather mar­ginal and fragmented issue in most coun­tries and institutions of higher education until the end of the 1980s, it has evolved over the past 30 years into a mainstream and central component of policies and practices in higher education, at the in­ternational, regional, national and institu­tional level. One of the main challenges for the future is the new political climate in Europe, United States of America but also elsewhere, a nationalist reaction to the increased globalisation of our econo­mies and societies, with potential nega­tive implications for its internationalisa­tion. This contribution deals with those challenges and in particular the miscon­ceptions in internationalisation of higher education that to a large extent have contributed to this inward-looking trend around the world. How to overcome the misconceptions and challenges to inter­nationalisation and create a sustainable and comprehensive internationalisation for all students and faculty is the agenda for the future.

Biographie de l'auteur

De Wit, Hans, Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, USA

 Is Director of the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College and professor in International Higher Educa­tion at its Lynch School of Education. He is founding editor of the Journal of Studies in International Education and founding member and past president of the Euro­pean Association for International Educa­tion. He has published several books and articles about the internationalisation of higher education and is a consultant on international higher education for inter­national entities such as the OECD, World Bank, European Commission, Internatio­nal Association of Universities, as well as national governments and institutions of higher education. He publishes a mon­thly blog on University World News, is associate editor of ‘International higher Education’, and member of several higher education boards. He has received seve­ral awards for his contributions to interna­tionalization of higher education..

Comment citer
Hans, D. W. (2019). Misconceptions about (the end of) internationalization, challenges and opportunities for the future. Enseignement Supérieur Et Société, 21(21), 65-78. Consulté à l’adresse https://ess.iesalc.unesco.org/index.php/ess3/article/view/27