Inclusion and access in Chilean universities: The case of Gratuity Policy

Keywords: Higher education, inclusion, educational policies, university selectivity, gratuity


The development of policies aimed at inclusion and equity at a global level has gained special relevance in the last 40 years. Chile has a Higher Education (HE) system that had significant growth through the expansion of private provision, however, since 2016 public policies that strengthen the guarantee of rights by the State have been implemented. In this sense, Gratuity policy is an important initiative aimed at socioeconomic inclusion in HE that provides access to this educational level for lower-income students. The policy has had a wide scope, but in the more selective group of universities this has not manifested itself with the same intensity. The aim of the research was to explore the effects of this policy on the socioeconomic composition of enrollment in Chilean universities. For this purpose, a quantitative, comparative, and cross-sectional study was developed, which included data from 42 of the 54 universities with new enrollment by 2022. Among the main results, it is observed that the effect of the Gratuity policy is heterogeneous in universities and that it has less impact on the most selective group of institutions. In conclusion, the Gratuity policy is a substantive advance for the inclusion of diversity in Chilean HE, however the access mechanisms to HE are still strongly oriented to the performance in standardized selection tests and the socioeconomic contexts of origin of the students, reducing the effects of this policy in selective universities. 

Author Biographies

Relmu Gedda-Muñoz, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

Relmu Gedda-Muñoz is a PhD researcher at the Sociology Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, is a member of the research group on Globalization, Education and Social Policies (GEPS) and professional assessor of the Universidad Autónoma de Chile. His research and work area are higher education in Chile, principally about educational trajectories in university, educational transitions, educational inequalities and dropout and persistence trajectories of first generation students. He holds a degree in Sociology and a Master in Education, both from the Universidad de La Frontera, Chile. ORCID E-mail:

Juan Carrasco-Bahamonde, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Juan Antonio Carrasco is a PhD researcher from the Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona, his project explores educational policies that promote the expansion of private provision and the educational reform process developed in Chile from 2014 onward. He holds a B.A. Degree in Sociology from the University of Arts and Social Science (Chile), a Master Degree in Philosophy, and a Master Degree in Social Science, both for the University of Chile. More recently, he was also a fellow visitor of the Latin-American Studies Institute of Stockholm University. His research interests are sociology of education, critical studies of educational policies, and market-oriented reform in education. ORCID E-mail:


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How to Cite
Gedda-Muñoz, R., & Carrasco-Bahamonde, J. (2023). Inclusion and access in Chilean universities: The case of Gratuity Policy. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 35(1), 365-395.