Opening frontiers in the pedagogical training of university professors
This article presents the conclusions derived from the collective research Institutional strategies for higher level teachers´ s pedagogical training aimed at improving the quality of the higher level of education developed by universities in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Costa Rica (NEIES-Mercosur Education Sector). It focuses its interest on the training of university teachers considering the university professor´s role as a primary social subject enabling change and as a guarantor of the quality of the training of future graduates. Based on this premise, the Universities of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Costa Rica have developed systematic actions aimed at the pedagogical training of university professors, a task that has been challenged by several issues: policies, training frameworks, logics of institutional functioning, and the school biography of teachers at this level, among others. Based on this problem, research is inscribed as a collective work that aims, through the research carried out by each group, to contribute to the understanding of the particularities assumed by these training processes as a contribution to the definition of strategies that contribute to the improvement of the quality of education at the level. A conceptual generation design (usually called qualitative) was carried out, using various strategies to obtain empirical information: interviews, analysis of documentary materials, discussion, and reflection groups.
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