Student Academic Performances in Racial and Social University Quotas
This paper aims to analyze effects of the Quotas Policy for Access to the University of Brasília (UnB) after the sanction of Law n°. 12.711 in 2012. This Brazilian federal Law wishes to promote greater democratization and equal access to higher education by different social and ethnical groups in the country. We evaluate the overall students' Academic Performance Index (IRA in Portuguese) in 39 undergraduate courses of UnB from 2014/1 to 2018/2 (ten academic semesters), both by the Universal System and by reserving openings for Blacks and Students from Public Schools. Our results reveal that in 11 of the 39 courses, there are no significant differences between the students of the three access categories. Differently, in 25 courses the averages of the IRAs were statistically lower for Quotas' students from Public Schools vis-à-vis the Universal System, against two courses that presented the opposite result. In only ten courses, IRA averages were statistically lower for Black students vis-à-vis the Universal System, against two that presented the opposite result. Therefore, we indicate that there is need for actions to incorporate quota students - particularly those from public schools - successfully into UnB's academic activities.
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