An assessment of teaching in National Universities located in the suburbs of Buenos Aires: The cases of UNAJ and UNPAZ

Keywords: University teaching; Educational inclusion; University and territory; Knowledge and Society.


This article aims to combine analysis and reflection on teaching at the Arturo Jauretche National University (UNAJ) and the José C. Paz National University (UNPAZ), based on ongoing research. The focus is on teaching as a dimension of singular importance in institutional documents and on the testimonies of various representatives who carry weight in the management of both colleges. The policy of including social sectors previously excluded from higher education is the starting point to question university education. In these institutions, teaching seems to deviate from its more traditional forms and seek other meanings within the framework of a conception that defines universities as a dialogue with the areas in which they are located. It is a practice that questions itself and lends itself to be questioned by other forms of knowledge construction. The analysis is based on a corpus of 20 interviews carried out with authorities and representatives of these institutions, all of whom are teachers. Additionally, a corpus of primary information was taken as a reference, which included the UNAJ’s and UNPAZ’s founding charters and statutes, data from the academic offerings sections on their websites, internal and external evaluation reports, among others.



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How to Cite
Sverdlick, I. L., Petrelli, L., Storino , S., & Austral , R. (2022). An assessment of teaching in National Universities located in the suburbs of Buenos Aires: The cases of UNAJ and UNPAZ. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 34(1), 718-744.