Incident factors in permanence, lag and graduation of English language teachers at a university in Argentina
University access and permanence are human rights that the State must guarantee. However, university dropout in Argentina is a serious concern shared by different institutions. In this country, as in other Latin American countries, the dropout rate is high. The English Teacher-Training Course at the Universidad Nacional de Villa María (UNVM) also experiences this situation. The time taken to graduate is by far longer than what is established in the Curriculum. In addition, the dropout rate of those who fail to meet graduation requirements is relatively high. The English Teacher-Training Course at the Universidad Nacional de Villa María (UNVM) has a low percentage of graduates compared to the enrollment rate. The study is based on the theoretical postulates of the Student Integration Model and on Grounded Theory as strategies to complement the object of this study. An exploratory and descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative elements divided into two stages allows to identify academic factors as the main cause of permanence and lag, which explains to some extent the low graduation rate.
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