Bolivian postgraduate students in the “Brazil Scholarships” Program PAEC-OEA – GCUB 2011-2021

Keywords: Bolivia; Brazil; PAEC-OEA-GCUB; south-south; international academic circulation


The purpose of this work is to describe some of the main characteristics of the participation of Bolivian students in the Brazil Scholarships PAEC-OEA - GCUB program (2011-2021) that granted scholarships for masters and doctorates. From the analysis and systematization of information contained in various documentary sources about their institutional origins, individual trajectories in the program and areas of knowledge, with an empirical-inductive strategy, experimenting based on these results, then think of some generic conclusions or hypotheses to interpret the possible effects of this program on the postgraduate academic training of Bolivian professionals abroad and on the production of local knowledge in Bolivia, which can be tested in future research work. On this horizon, it was found that the students have mostly come from the largest and most prestigious public universities. Likewise, several of them have continued their postgraduate training, moving from a master's degree to a doctorate in Brazil within and outside the Brazil Scholarships program. Finally, it is necessary to highlight that the main areas of knowledge in which the students were trained correspond mainly to Computer Science and Ecology, followed by a second cluster around Physics, Chemistry, Geosciences, Genetics, Civil Engineering, Dentistry and Medicine. New complementary research is suggested on the preponderance of disciplinary themes, theories, and methodologies according to the area of knowledge. As well as on the academic and professional trajectories after the return of the students to their country of origin.


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How to Cite
Orellano Narvaez, S. M. (2022). Bolivian postgraduate students in the “Brazil Scholarships” Program PAEC-OEA – GCUB 2011-2021. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 34(1), 494-526.