Inclusive internationalization in Latin America and the Caribbean. Challenges and feasibility
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a “turning point with important effects for the future of internationalization, becoming an opportunity to re-examine its values, objectives, strategies and priorities”. The current forms of internationalization must be questioned to reaffirm the values and principles of intercultural learning, inter-institutional cooperation based on mutual benefit and respect, solidarity and furthermore access to its benefits must dramatically increase (Gacel-Ávila, 2021, p.46). In this perspective, the article critically analyzes and compares the current state of internationalization of higher education in the region, based on the main findings of the most recent surveys carried out in the region and the world. The discussion focuses on the characteristics of the region, in order to determine the feasibility of moving, in a post-pandemic context, from an internationalization focused on mobility, towards an inclusive approach that benefits a greater number of students and social stakeholders, as proposed by the concepts of Internationalization of Higher Education for Society (IHES) and internationalization at home. The article shows that this desirable transformation could be highly complex for the region due to the lack of consolidation and institutionalization of its internationalization process before the pandemic; two key aspects to achieve this conversion.
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