Quality of higher education: the challenge of teaching research at the university

Keywords: Scientific production- Researcher’s formation- Integrated triangulation, methodological convergence.


This article presents teaching experiences of social and educational research within university settings and contradictory scientific policies: they are aimed to promote researchers formation but at the same time, they don t take into account the genuine scientifics and science growth and also in the educational field. We will highlight what may be considered as innovative contributions and challenges linked to an ended project endorsed by University XXX. One of them is the consideration of the ways of doing social science, as different ways of thinking and conceiving the practice of social research, overcoming the mere quantitative vs. qualitative dichotomy. We will be socialize our combined and triangulation approach, making focus on the methodological convergence of different ways of building science processes in an educational-social area: a Verificative Approach (traditionally associated with quantitative methods), a Conceptual Generative Approach (traditionally associated with qualitative methods), and a Participatory Praxis Approach (traditionally associated with participatory research methods). The other contribution is from the definition of our process as an integrated triangulation, a goal of a new epistemic object resulting from links between sub-projects. Our contributions to methodological convergence are reflected in our research project based on a network analysis of conditions which either ease or block education claims, derived from individual and social groups educational needs upon a ‘permanent education’, in a lifelong context.


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How to Cite
Monteverde, A. C., Agullo, M. F., & Sirvent, M. T. (2022). Quality of higher education: the challenge of teaching research at the university. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 34(1), 313-338. https://doi.org/10.54674/ess.v34i1.575