Educating in Diversity: Higher Education Challenges for teaching the Garifuna Language in Honduras

Keywords: Educate in Diversity; Higher Education; Garifuna Language; Honduras


This article aims to critically analyze the role of Higher Education in Honduras as a co-producer of knowledgeand a fundamental element to ensure quality education from and for the Garifuna people in Honduras. HigherEducation as a generator of knowledge is a key point for the achievement of the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs). It must therefore be able to adapt to various contexts with linguistic and cultural particularities.It is intended to study how from research, academic offer and teacher training, aimed at a linguistically andculturally diverse population, the conditions for inclusive quality education can be created, as indicated bySDG4. The Garifuna people in Honduras are approached as a population with particular sociolinguisticcharacteristics that require specific multidisciplinary policies and pedagogical reforms. Methodologicallyproposed, the review of analytical and in-depth literature of policies and strategies implemented at the level ofHEI in Honduras related to teacher training, training offer and scientific research; oriented to the Garifunalanguage in Honduras. Critically analyzing its impact on the indicators of measuring the educational quality of this population

Author Biographies

Randolfo Garcia Sandoval, University of Padua

Randolfo García Sandoval, Garifuna, black indigenous  garifuna, Honduran, Master degree  in  Cultures, Education, and Global Societies LM in sociology and social research of Padua  University.  I have been actively involved in the social work, human right defense, local development , Research in Portugal, Italy, Honduras and Latin American, among my topics of interest are the related alternative proposals to the current world -system such as: Education, Democracy, Indigenous Language,  Human Rights, with an anticolonial and decolonial approach, and  Caribbean Studies , considering children, adolescents and young people as protagonists of the research process

Cesar Andoni Vargas Sabio, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras

Finalizo sus estudios de pregrado como profesor para la enseñanza de las ingles, en el grado de licenciatura de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, San Pedro Sula. Ha laborado como docente por más de 10 años en la educación básica y media, fue coordinador de educación intercultural bilingüe, ha participado como profesor en cursos básicos de lengua garífuna. En la actualidad es formador de formadores. Actualmente es maestramente en Didáctica de Lenguas en la Universidad Autónoma de Honduras.  A partir de esta experiencia, su interés primordial es la investigación de la lengua garífuna y en espacial la didáctica de la lengua.

Georgina Ruiz, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras

Egresada del Profesorado en enseñanza del español en grado de Licenciatura, de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM), Campus del Centro Universitario Regional de La Ceiba (CURCEI), en La Ceiba, Atlántida, actualmente cursa la Maestría en Didáctica de Lenguas y Culturas en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH) Ciudad Universitaria (CU), Tegucigalpa M.D.C. Su experiencia, ha sido como docente de educación media, voluntariado y tutora como de la enseñanza de la asignatura de español como lengua materna.

How to Cite
Fernandez Norales, J., Garcia Sandoval, R., Vargas Sabio, C. A., & Ruiz, G. (2020). Educating in Diversity: Higher Education Challenges for teaching the Garifuna Language in Honduras. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 32(2), 134-165.