Misconceptions about (the end of) internationalization, challenges and opportunities for the future

  • De Wit, Hans Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, USA
Palabras clave: globalisation; internationalisation; misconceptions


 Internationalisation is a key driver in mo­dern higher education. From a rather mar­ginal and fragmented issue in most coun­tries and institutions of higher education until the end of the 1980s, it has evolved over the past 30 years into a mainstream and central component of policies and practices in higher education, at the in­ternational, regional, national and institu­tional level. One of the main challenges for the future is the new political climate in Europe, United States of America but also elsewhere, a nationalist reaction to the increased globalisation of our econo­mies and societies, with potential nega­tive implications for its internationalisa­tion. This contribution deals with those challenges and in particular the miscon­ceptions in internationalisation of higher education that to a large extent have contributed to this inward-looking trend around the world. How to overcome the misconceptions and challenges to inter­nationalisation and create a sustainable and comprehensive internationalisation for all students and faculty is the agenda for the future.

Biografía del autor/a

De Wit, Hans, Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, USA

 Is Director of the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College and professor in International Higher Educa­tion at its Lynch School of Education. He is founding editor of the Journal of Studies in International Education and founding member and past president of the Euro­pean Association for International Educa­tion. He has published several books and articles about the internationalisation of higher education and is a consultant on international higher education for inter­national entities such as the OECD, World Bank, European Commission, Internatio­nal Association of Universities, as well as national governments and institutions of higher education. He publishes a mon­thly blog on University World News, is associate editor of ‘International higher Education’, and member of several higher education boards. He has received seve­ral awards for his contributions to interna­tionalization of higher education..

Cómo citar
Hans, D. W. (2019). Misconceptions about (the end of) internationalization, challenges and opportunities for the future. Educación Superior Y Sociedad (ESS), 21(21), 65-78. Recuperado a partir de https://ess.iesalc.unesco.org/index.php/ess3/article/view/27