A multi-case study on experiences of Hybrid Education in Latin American universities
After the Social, Preventive and Compulsory Isolation (ASPO, for its acronym in Spanish) and the emergency remote teaching (ERT) in higher education institutions in Latin America, a debate arises on how to return to face-to-face classes. Although Hybrid Education (EH, for its acronym in Spanish) emerges as an excellent alternative to meet the needs of the education communities with new characteristics and practices, there is still scarce systematized and published research that document and compare hybrid experiences in Latin American higher education institutions. In this work, a multi-case study was conducted using second-hand data obtained from five hybrid education experiences at the university level in Latin America, after the ASPO. The results show several ways to combine face-to-face and virtual activities, and shared strengths and limitations. The impact of HD on access and permanence in higher education reveals ambiguous characteristics and is still incipient in the cases. EH’s potential to create links with the outside of universities is an emerging issue in this study. We reach conclusions on the need to transform the students’ and teachers’ roles, and to strengthen theory-based methodologies and administrative, academic and economic support from educational institutions to provide quality EH with empowered hybrid learning.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Diana Herrero-Villarreal, Gimena Betina Fussero, Nicolás Gandolfo, María Belén Dalmasso , María Emilia Echeveste, Rodrigo Saúl Guanuco, Henry Alfredo Pérez
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