Can university pedagogy help to innovate? University pedagogy in innovative proposals in Brazilian universities

Keywords: University Pedagogy; Teacher Training for University Professors; Teacher Identity; University; Innovation.


This article analyzes the role of university pedagogy in innovative proposals in two Brazilian universities. The research evaluates if university projects conserve their social meaning and interact with studies in university pedagogy (Cunha, 2005, 2006 e 2007; Pimenta and Anastasiou, 2005; Almeida and Pimenta, 2009; Veiga et al, 2012). From the qualitative methodology that was used in this work the pedagogical political projects or other documents were selected in order to better understand innovation and some individuals of the institutions were interviewed. The analysis demonstrated that both institutions innovate and use university pedagogy. Although the work with this pedagogy is much more present in the institution that considers teaching as a fundamental activity than in the institution where teaching is incorporated in research activities. As a result, there is the establishment of a teaching culture and a culture of research detached from teaching. This study reveals that an approximation of theory/practice is necessary when innovation is approched and that university pedagogy can contribute, mainly for teacher training, to the innovative aspect of the project.

Author Biography

Ligia Couto, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG), Brasil

Graduação em Letras - Espanhol/Português pela Universidade de São Paulo (1999), mestrado em Educação (Psicologia da Educação) pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2007) e doutorado em Educação pela Universidade de São Paulo (2013). Professora adjunta da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG) do Departamento de Estudos da Linguagem (DEEL). Tenho livros didáticos publicados na área de espanhol, inglês e português. Também na área de formação de professores de espanhol.

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How to Cite
Couto, L. (2021). Can university pedagogy help to innovate? University pedagogy in innovative proposals in Brazilian universities. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 33(2), 637-660.