The struggles of the indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples of Latin America in Higher Education.

  • Gloria Mancinelli Universidad de Buenos Aires/ Universidad Nacional de Lujan
Keywords: Indigenous, Afro-descendant, Higher Education.


In the middle of the last century, the Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples of Latin America gave impetus to a renewed process of struggles with the objective of confronting the profound inequalities and inequities that they face as social groups. These struggles question the monocultural and homogenizing character of contemporary National States and their institutions as a whole, demanding a change towards an intercultural approach that respects, recognizes and participates in the different worldviews, knowledge, practices, languages ​​and territorialities that make up the map. political partner of these states.

The article contextualizes in a very general way the impact that these struggles are having in Higher Education in Latin America with the aim of describing the most significant advances as well as the main dilemmas and challenges identified in the progress of the various experiences and spaces generated in, from and between universities, Higher Education Institutes (IES) and indigenous and Afro-descendant communities and groups to meet demands for access and participation of these peoples. Likewise, it seeks to outline central aspects that express the need to advance with intercultural training at this level of education.

How to Cite
Mancinelli, G. (2021). The struggles of the indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples of Latin America in Higher Education. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 33(1), 115-136.