La Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: The challenge of inequality in the face of the SDGs
This work present a balance of the current affairs related with de declaration of the CRES, organized by the IESALC-UNESCO, and the National University of Cordoba (Argentina) in 2018, since the realtionship between the universities participation to achieve the objectives of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), where is needed to articulate this goals from now to the 2030, with the trends of changes and with the very large problems of inequality, that have been deeply in the región. In focus on these components, the analysis of the current changes in some governments, some of them very radicals, are going on against the orientation the go forward through democratic, sustainable, and inclusive goals. The reason to discuss the role of the universities in relation to the SDGs is very important in terms of the new conditions and orientations of the public policies that, in one side and moments, have been improving the goals; and, in the other side, are imposing new financing restrictions, new severe controls and even constrain the academic freedom and the university autonomy, or worst, to marginalize it to the most important decisions, related to the posibility to build a real educative and academic transformation, and scientific and technological sovereignty.
Higher education; Latin American University; GDS; social and education inequality
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