Universidad y Medio Ambiente en América Latina y el Caribe. Continuidad y avances del proceso iniciado en el Seminario de Bogotá
Much of the current advances of universities in Latin America and the Caribbean in their contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals are the result of the process of institutionalizing their commitment to the environment and sustainability. One of the most important historical milestones of this process was the First University and Environment Seminar for Latin America and the Caribbean, which was held in Bogotá in 1985. In addition to the Bogota Charter and the Ten Thesis on the Environment in Latin America, this event approved a Regional Action Plan on University and Environment and a wide range of Criteria and Recommendations for the Incorporation of the Environmental Dimension into Higher Education Programs. In total, 95 activities or lines of action were agreed in the Bogota Seminar. Many of these recommendations have been implemented over the past 35 years. This article presents the latest developments in three lines of work that coincide with similar recommendations currently being made to call higher education institutions in the region to contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
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