The Caribbean University- Innovation and Economic Development

  • Tewarie Bhoendradatt Member of Parliament, Government of Trinidad & Tobago


Caribbean society needs an innova­tion-led Caribbean University system to achieve economic progress and sustainable development. The Ca­ribbean University needs to have a sustainable economy and society su­rround it so that the business of the University can become viable and the fulfillment of its mandate more mea­ningful and satisfying. Forging a part­nership among Caribbean Universi­ties together with a corresponding partnership with the Government and Business might be the begin­ning of an innovative intervention to support an innovation driven sustai­nable development initiative for the Caribbean region.

Biographie de l'auteur

Tewarie Bhoendradatt, Member of Parliament, Government of Trinidad & Tobago

Is a former Principal of the Trinidad and Tobago Campus of the Univer­sity of the West Indies and former Pro-Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development at UWI. He is currently a Member of Parliament on the Opposition bench and has served in two Governments as Minister of Trade, Industry and Enterprise and Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development.Dr. Tewarie’s most recent book publication is entitled Sustainable Deve­lopment: Thinking It Through, Making It Happen and he is currently wor­king on another: The Tangibles and Intangibles of Sustainable Develop­ment. He has published three other books on Economic Development, Higher Education Governance and on V.S. Naipaul as well as many arti­cles on development, education and literary issues. He has also produced and directed 3 documentary films. Two have been shown at the Trinidad & Tobago Film Festival and the other at Cannes in the Short Film category. He is currently working on another longer film entitled Festival Paradise. Dr. Tewarie received his B.A. from Northwestern University, his M.A. from the University of Chicago and his PhD from the Pennsylvania State Uni­versity and completed Leadership and Fore-sighting programmes at Oxford University and University of Houston respectively. He has been elected to the Hall of Honour of Queen’s Royal College in Trinidad and is a former Fulbright Scholar and delivered the Seventh CARICOM Dis­tinguished Lecture on Development in the Caribbean some years ago.On the invitation of President Sir Hilary Beckles, Dr Tewarie was invited to deliver the inaugural lecture at the first “One Caribbean” symposium of Universities Caribbean (formerly UNICA) in November 2018 in Santo Domingo. His talk was entitled: “The Caribbean University, Innovation and Economic Development”..

Comment citer
Bhoendradatt, T. (2019). The Caribbean University- Innovation and Economic Development. Enseignement Supérieur Et Société, 31(31), 16-41. Consulté à l’adresse
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