Una mirada al estado de la Educación Superior con relación a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

  • Everly Castellar independiente
Keywords: Key Words: Higher Education, ODS, University.


Summary: This article is a brief review of the contributions made by different authors that allows us to know relevant elements about the state of Higher Education at a general level and its current relationship with the Sustainable Development Goals, looking a bit at its origins, its development and its current state. This study is part of a bibliographic research, with a qualitative approach, with an interpretive paradigm and with a technique based on documentary review. To address this analysis, a short tour is made of the convergence between Higher Education Institutions and the SDGs and the implications for their adaptation in academic contexts. As a general result, it is highlighted that universities still have to continue working and contributing to improve social realities through the production of knowledge, invention, innovation and technology that helps generate sustainable development at a global level. Government administrations in each country and academia are recommended to support these international initiatives that prioritize academic, social and economic productivity.

How to Cite
Castellar, E. (2020). Una mirada al estado de la Educación Superior con relación a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 32(2), 14-35. https://doi.org/10.54674/ess.v32i2.296