Online sexual harassment, another form of gender violence in ecuadorian universities in postcovid 2020-2023: a pending priority

Keywords: higher education in Ecuador; gender; gender violence; sexual violence; online sexual harassment


Online sexual harassment is nowadays a serious problem connected to the digital era at Ecuadorian universities and constitutes another form of gender violence. The study shows that sexual harassment as a form of gender violence has a high prevalence within university communities. On the other hand, it can inferred that online sexual harassment, despite being a new and increasing type of gender violence at universities, lacks studies regarding its extent and the multiple impacts it brings to the lives of those who experience it. This work seeks to be a contribution to the discussion on online sexual harassment understood as a pending duty, both at research and normative-production levels. Due to the lack of research on the matter, the present work employs documentary information (secondary sources). Hence, the necessity to point new ways to research lines on this matter within Ecuador higher education system, by updating the legal framework that governs it, and by bringing universities’ internal regulations up to date to implement policies and strategies on the prevention and eradication of such offenses.

How to Cite
Vélez Verdugo , C. (2023). Online sexual harassment, another form of gender violence in ecuadorian universities in postcovid 2020-2023: a pending priority. Higher Education and Society Journal (ESS), 35(2), 237-261.
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